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Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Love and Respect for a Lifetime by Dr Emerson Eggerichs

Love and Respect for a Lifetime provided me with a complimentary copy of this book for review. The expectations of this book were much more than what was delivered. The title leads one to think that there will be keys within to unlock and guide a marriage. Though this book does offer tips and advice on how to make a marriage work, it does not provide sufficient examples that relate to more "everyday" situations. Many of the scenarios mentioned in the book are vague and not specific in any way. This book more or less refreshes the need to have Christ first in a marriage, and overkills the need to be loving and respectful to one another.

       The book is very repetitive in stating that women need love and men need respect. This is mentioned on the cover, and then reiterated all through out the colorful pages of the book, so much that it can seem a bit condescending. I personally lost interest in the book in the first chapter alone, and had to force myself to finish the pages. Dr.Eggerichs' book is published in such an "easy read" tone that I felt like it might be something I should be reading to my children. Understanding he may have wanted to ensure that he was reaching the audience in a way that would be easily understood, the overall realization was that I learned nothing new from this book. Mostly common sense tidbits are scattered through the pages...listen when he/she talks, be there for each other, be a friend to each other...all the things a marriage should be about anyway.

       Don't waste your money on this book, and do not insult a married couple by providing it as a gift.  Instead, invest your money on a Bible and truly learn the teachings of what Christ has planned for marriage.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Leadership and Self-Deception: Getting Out of the Box

Leadership and Self-Decption: Getting out of the Box
by The Arbinger Institute

This book is a must read for everyone. A real eye opener for all about how your approach to people, and your view on people in general can affect the outcome of situations. This book is excellent for not only the workplace, but for everyday life.

A book that has potential to change the world if everyone would read it and seriously consider what it has to offer. I now find myself analyzing situations and thinking about whether I am "in the box" or "out of the box" towards someone. I have heard question about whether or not this book is truly beneficial unless everyone reads it. My advice is to read it for yourself and decide. With an easy to follow story-line, this book will lure the reader in from start to finish. I personally couldn't put it down. I am interested to read the sequal "The Anatomy of Peace" to see what more there is to offer.